2010年8月23日 星期一

(轉)全球氦存量 30年內用光-Yahoo!奇摩新聞

全球氦存量 30年內用光-Yahoo!奇摩新聞:

全球氦存量 30年內用光

更新日期:2010/08/24 04:11


批美低價售氦 應提高價格回收再利用


美 國是全球最大的氦儲藏國,全球約八十%的氦儲藏於美國西南部,而上述措施使氦以令人震驚的速度減少。氦是無法再生的惰性氣體,更是全球使用量最大的惰性氣 體,它是核磁共振造影掃描器的重要冷卻劑,美國航空暨太空總署(NASA)以氦氣清洗火箭的燃料槽,而液態氦則被用來冷卻核子反應爐與太空望遠鏡,甚至反 恐也少不了氦,因為氦可用於輻射偵測器上。

一旦沒了 也無法用化學方式製造

李察森指出,氦一旦用罄,將沒有辦法予以取代,因 為氦無法用化學方式製造,地球上的氦來自岩石的放射性α衰變。他說︰「從空氣取得氦目前經濟上不可行,因此須仰賴從岩石中抽取出氦,但若這完全用光,我們 必須從空氣中取得氦,相關成本將是現今的一萬倍。」氦氣是所有氣體中最難液化的,也是宇宙第二輕的元素。



(轉)PYTHON+RS232基礎篇 - 水瓶天賞自動化科技BLOG - Yahoo!奇摩部落格

PYTHON+RS232基礎篇 - 水瓶天賞自動化科技BLOG - Yahoo!奇摩部落格:


首先要下載Python for Windows extensions 選擇適合你Python的版本吧 Python2.5就選2.5的,安裝檔點下去自動安裝


再來是Python Serial Port Extension 選擇Pyserial串列埠rs232 另一個Pyparallel是並列埠 就是以前列表機的...這箇解壓縮後,點setup.py,會幫你裝好



硬體最簡單的就是把rs232 2-3腳短路,看過我網站上的rs232通訊資料應該更清楚

import serial ...當然要引用模組

ser = serial.Serial(3) #設定通訊口
print ser.portstr #check which port was realy used 確認通訊口是否ok
ser.write("hello") #write a stringser.close() 送出一個hello
self.textCtrl1.Value = ser.read(5) #收5各字元
ser.close() #關通訊口

ser = serial.Serial(3) #設定通訊口,這各部份要注意,通訊口是從0開始計算的,所以通訊1的位置要變成0



(轉)于美人預知2012年人類大滅絕? 「藍色星球小孩」救地球-Yahoo!奇摩新聞

于美人預知2012年人類大滅絕? 「藍色星球小孩」救地球-Yahoo!奇摩新聞:
更新日期:2010/08/23 15:06 WEnews公民記者糖果小俠/台北報導
萬 一地球真的有「2012」,並有50%人口死亡,想必到時候會是「死人一了百了」、「活人收拾殘局並承受悲慟」的局面,死的一半與活的一半,那一半的人才 算真正的幸運兒呢?也許一了百了的那一半還比較幸運吧![來和公民記者交流討論:http://wenews.nownews.com/news/22 /news_22197.htm]
由於貧富差距過大、生活壓力讓人喘不過氣、心理影響生理、環境污染….等因素,造成許多國家都有「生育 率」過低的現象,許多人想生又生不出來。是否人類的基因已經嗅到「災難」氣味,而自動降低生育能力?或2012年後的地球重整工作太困難,影響「藍色星球 小孩」來地球的意願,進而使很多人不孕?這都是值得更深入探討的議題。

2010年8月18日 星期三

(cite)Firefox keeps sending me to api.mybrowserbar.com, and there is now a white square underneath my pointer

Firefox keeps sending me to api.mybrowserbar.com, and there is now a white square underneath my pointer:

solved Firefox keeps sending me to api.mybrowserbar.com, and there is now a white square underneath my pointer

Firefox version: 3.6 Operating system: Windows XP


Firefox is having problems with certain web sites


How can I correct this? And is this a sign of malware on my computer?

URL of affected sites


Firefox version


Operating system

Windows XP

User Agent

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.9.2) Gecko/20100115 Firefox/3.6 GTBDFff GTB7.0

Plugins installed


I got rid of it... the culprit was something called "Search Settings 1.2.3". And I'm not sure where and when I picked THAT up... but going to control panel and add/remove programs, and removing "Search settings 1.2.3" has made the mybrowserbar hijack go away.

How do I remove this default search provider in Firefox!?


小無:Firefox 網址列被綁架成百度,移除Plug-in:Search Settings 1.2.3,就OK。


小歐ouMVP, 版主使用者勳章使用者勳章使用者勳章使用者勳章使用者勳章


我試著安裝您提供的 http://bar.baidu.com/banlv/index.html



2010年8月12日 星期四

(Cite)In pictures: Luntik, the amazing 4-eared cat | Mail Online

In pictures: Luntik, the amazing 4-eared cat | Mail Online:

Let's hear it for Luntik: The amazing cat with FOUR ears

By Mail Online Reporter
Last updated at 12:14 PM on 11th August 2010

The brief Seventies craze for quadraphonic sound might have lasted a little longer if there were more cats like Luntik around.

The three-month-old kitten who lives in a garage in Vladivostok, Russia, has a 'spare' pair of vestigial ears just in front of his real ones.

It's not a completely unique condition. There's a cat called Yoda living in Chicago with an even bigger pair of spare lugholes.

Raspberry: Luntik gives his reply to anyone who says he looks a bit odd.

Two? Hah! I've got four... Luntik gives his reply to anyone who says he looks a bit odd

Well that takes the biscuit: A stunned dog catches sight of Luntik, the kitten born with an extra pair of ears

I'll be dog-gone: A stunned dog catches sight of the kitten, who lives in a garage in Vladivostok, Russia

Unlike the widespread reports of 'winged cats' - which are usually just the result of wishful thinking and extremely matted fur - Luntik really does have a fully formed extra pair of ears.

However, they don't have any of the internal 'plumbing' that would actually make them workable.

Best leave those old Pink Floyd LPs up in the loft then.

Luntik's second pair of ears are purely 'decorative' as they have no ear canals

Two too much: Luntik's second pair of ears are purely 'decorative' as they have no ear canals

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1302099/In-pictures-Luntik-amazing-4-eared-cat.html#ixzz0wRk6pX68

20th August, 2008

Meet Yoda the four-eared cat

As hearing aids go, they don't come better than this. Meet Yoda, the two-year-old moggie who was born with four ears.


2010年8月3日 星期二

超新手的Python 3.1筆記

Python 3.1
1. print為一個function,要用print(),基本的數值處理,example

a = 2
b = 3


2. string index是從0開始,且不能修改(重新assign)example:

word = 'Help' + 'A'



string index可以是負值,此時從右方算起,例如:



3. List index也是從0開始,且可被修改,example:

a = ['spam', 'eggs', 100, 1234]

['spam', 'eggs', 100, 1234]



a[0] = 'cool'
['cool', 'eggs', 100, 1234]

q = [2, 3]
p = [1, q, 27]

[1, [2, 3], 27]

[2, 3]


2010年8月2日 星期一

(cite)Linux Update: Full OpenGL 3D Acceleration for Xen/Vmware/Kvm

Linux Update: Full OpenGL 3D Acceleration for Xen/Vmware/Kvm

Monday, July 9, 2007

Full OpenGL 3D Acceleration for Xen/Vmware/Kvm

Source: Thoughts on the Virtualization area.

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

With all the news about Vmware Fusion and Parallels upcoming 3D acceleration capabilities there hasn't been much about the free software projects work in this area.

Introducing VMGL, which provides OpenGL Hardware 3D Acceleration for Virtual Machines. It is a program that you install in both the host and guest and allows for virtualizing the OpenGL functions. When tested in xen with Quake 3 & Unreal Tournament 2004 it provides for up to 87% of the performance of the native implementation. It has been tested under vmware and xen but it should work under any of the other virtualization solutions out there. (kvm, qemu, virtual box)

This is major news for the virtualization field as 3D acceleration has been the one area where there has not been much progress. As this is a generic solution released under a BSD licence it can be incorporated into any of the current virtualization solutions. Also it is gpu independent and will work with any OpenGL accelerator.

VMGL Homepage
Xen summit Slides

2010年8月1日 星期日

(cite)How to Create a Transparent Background in Photoshop

How to Create a Transparent Background in Photoshop:

Making the Transparent Area

Using the magic wand or lasso tool, select the area of the image you want to be transparent.

You may want to experiment a few times with the tolerance and anti-aliasing settings to get the best selection. In the example shown here, the following Magic Wand settings were used:

Magic Wand Properties
Hit the Delete button. The selected area is removed and the checkered (transparent) background becomes visible.

Now that you have a transparent background you can save the file in a variety of formats, including GIF, TIFF, PNG and of course PSD.


  • JPG format does not support transparency.
  • If you find ugly edges around the image when you place it against a different background colour, see this solution.
  • If you have any questions please ask in our Graphics Forum.