2020年4月22日 星期三

To use PuTTYgen to convert a key into .ppk format

  1. Open PuTTYgen, go to Conversions, and then click Import key. PuTTYgen will display a window to load your key.
  2. Browse to your SSH private key, select the file, and then click Open. Your SSH private key may be in the Users\[user_name]\.ssh directory.
  3. Enter the passphrase associated with the private key, and then click OK. Note the key fingerprint confirms the number of bits is 4096.
  4. Go to File, and then click Save private key to save the key in .ppk format.
You can now use the .ppk file as your key when you use WinSCP.

2020年4月16日 星期四

(轉) Python Docstrings

Python Docstrings

(Multiple line comments, pro tips)

def my_function():
    """Demonstrate docstrings and does nothing really."""
    return None
print "Using __doc__:"
print my_function.__doc__
print "Using help:"
Using __doc__:
Demonstrate docstrings and does nothing really.
Using help:
Help on function my_function in module __main__:

    Demonstrate docstrings and does nothing really.

[轉貼] VCC,VDD,VEE,VSS很頭痛吧?這裡秒懂!
