2020年12月10日 星期四

How To Enable C# 7.1 Version with Visual Studio (轉貼)

 Approach 1 - Using Project Properties 

In this approach, go to your existing project where you want to point  to C# 7.1 and open project properties by right clicking on the project. Select properties in Visual Studio Solution Explorer window as below. 

How To Enable C# 7.1 Version To My Projects

Once the properties window opens, go to Build menu and click on Advanced button. Once this button is clicked a popup window will appear where you can see a language version drop down where we need to select C# 7.1 as shown below. 

As noticed in this dropdown, we find an option

C# latest major version (default)

When we select this option the runtime will take the latest major release available, in our case C# 7.0, and in the future, if there is a C# 8.0 release, this project will automatically point to the C# 8.0 compiler without any changes.

C# latest minor version (latest)

This is something different from the above, when we select this option the runtime will take the latest minor release, in our case C# 7.1  and in the future, if there is a C# 7.2 release, this project will automatically point to the C# 7.2 compiler without any changes.

If we select any other option, even if there are any major or minor changes, runtime won't consider those and will take only the compiler version which you provide here.

Once you select C# 7.1 from this drop-down, click on OK and save the project. Now your project will run on C# 7.1 compiler and you can use these new features.

2020年12月9日 星期三

Adding Class Details Window(Class Diagram Viewer) (轉貼)


C# Visual Studio 2017 快速產生類別圖

  • 2668
  •  0
  • C#
  •  2020-07-27


而在Visual Studio 2017當中,微軟官方貼心的新增一個功能-類別設計工具


在工具->取得工具與功能,我們把 Visual Studio 2017 Installer 叫出來。







接著在專案中,按右鍵點選 檢視->類別圖檢視


以下兩張圖是筆者最近在開發專案中的其中兩個 namespace


有任何家教、案子 或技術相關問題 請都歡迎聯繫我


ildasm.exe location (轉貼)

 It will find ildasm.exe in i.e. c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v8.0A\bin\NETFX 4.0 Tools\.
